Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let It Be

It is kind of weird when your children start staking their claims to your possessions as their inheritance decades before you have plans of passing on.  Perhaps there is a certain wisdom in proclaiming early in your adult life what you expect to claim upon your parent's death.  It might cut down on difficulties later. Weirdness aside, our daughter has demanded these are to be her 'inheritance'.  Six original Beatles albums.  They are less than pristine, well loved by her father in his youth, they are what she wants.  Her father has agreed she is to have them, but not  yet.  Today they went up on the TV room wall.  Recently we dragged them out of the box where they have lived the last 30 years, through half a dozen moves, and put them 12" x12" frames. Dad will get to enjoy them, silently, for years and years and years (I hope) and someday daughter dear can fight with her brothers to claim them.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I'm pretty sure Ben is okay with letting her have those. He's not really a Beatles fans. I know what you mean about staking claim though. Often, when my mom makes a new quilt, my sister or I will say something like "Mom, when you die, can I have this one?" She doesn't really appreciate it much.